Hi there,
I am making progress with all my stitching and knitting projects. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have my Christmas projects at the finishers. I've even finished my summer reading for my book club... Bleak House which was wonderful and quite a saga (and quite long).
Here's some photos of the candy house- I'm down to 81 areas to go! Going to work on this lower left window section now. There are so many beads and french knots in this piece that you need to spread them out or it will be overwhelming.
The pink will be dripping icing when I'm ALMOST DONE. As in 3 more areas to go
And here's some knitting- this is going to be a blanket when it's done - 12 different blocks. Naturally, I'm doing 2 blankets at the same time. The other one is sage green.
AND I LOVE THIS!!! Cashmere and Mohair. Don't ask, don't tell about the price of the wool :-)
Have a great week!