Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Jam-Packed Memorial Day Weeekend

Hi there,

I hope everyone had a safe holiday.  One of my husband's pet peeves is when someone says "Happy" Memorial Day.  So every time we saw a sign or someone said that to us I had to cringe because I knew what was coming..."there's nothing HAPPY about it".  But we still had an awesome weekend.

Starting with Emily's dog show ribbons😊 which are now on my refrigerator.  A long time ago there were report cards up there!

When we got back on Tuesday I went back to work on Putrid Pumpkin.  I am off to Amy's next week for a cook up class so I want to take it and turn it in for finishing.

 Last night I did the tendrils and some of the ooze.

Those beads are worms.

So I hope to finish in the next 2 nights and put it in my suitcase for hand delivery!

Have a great week!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Lost My Mind...Briefly

And started a new project.  Worked on this all day yesterday while I was at the eye doctor.  Yes, you can even do this with your eyes dilated.  I love the background except for the compensating.  Can't wait to do the lamb and the flowers.

But I am back to the poison bottle now.

Phew,  that was a close one!

Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Sign is Done


Last night I finished the sign.   Those are colonial knots done on a 24 needle.  I had to refresh my memory on those - went straight to YouTube.  Today I'm going to finish up the background and work on the lid to the bottle.

Should have it ready to go sometime next week 😊

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

This Shouldn't Be Too Hard to Finish

Just the bottle top, french knots on the letters and the ooze and I will have another finish!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Apple Fix

Here I am almost done with apple number 4...meaning I will have to go back to the background soon
😖 and then work on one of my WIPs until we get the last lesson in July.  I figure I have 2 nights to finish the strap stitches and the beads in the letter.  I have been binge watching Lark Rise to Candleford on PBS - doesn't get any better than that.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day.  I sure did.


Friday, May 12, 2017

Just Peachy

My third fruit is back from the finisher - my peach.  It went all the way to Antarctica and back again.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day🌷🌷

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Baseball Diamond Apple

Hi there,

I did this last night and today while watching the soap opera that is our government on CNN.  Much better than the Young and the Restless.

I had better slow down or I will be back to the red and white stripes by the end of the week.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Enough With the Background Already

Hi there,

I find it very hard to stay on task especially when I have something that looks like lots of fun right in front of me.  That would be the 4th Apple!

So I spent 2 days working on the background stripes and THANKING HEAVEN that I have finished the border.  TWICE!!  FYI, those little red beads in the red stripes are a pill to put in.

I did work one leaf just so I would know how..  Still have the backstitch to do.

And here is J - I am also thankful that July only has 4 letters!  Meaning, I may finish this in 2017!  Yes, I still have the pumpkin parade to finish 👻

So the new plan is to work the next apple and return to the background.  It's nice having 2 months to do your homework.

Happy Wednesday!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Happy Derby Day

Happy Saturday,

Apple No. 3 is done except for the letter - that's next week along with the background up to 
apple No. 4!  So far so good!  Enjoy the Kentucky Derby!


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Doing the Amy Two Step

No it's not a dance!  It's apple number 3

Step one was the starbursts and to make sure they line up correctly.

Step two was the red background.  This was broken down into 2 steps too.  I used all different methods of laying my thread.  My finger, a needle, my trolley needle, and my BLT.   I love using the trolley needle but the BLT REALLY separates the threads giving better coverage.  I'm just not that comfortable holding it.  I guess I need some more practice.

Tonight I will tackle the white diamonds - just finished ironing my neon rays!
