Thursday, August 16, 2018

Starry Starry Night

Working the background in and around the trees!

Top border done on secret project!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Border Started

This project is a surprise so you will only see bits and pieces of it on my blog.

Here is the right half of the top border.  Petite Very Velvet tent stitch then couched kreinik with ribbon leaves AND THE PERFECT BUTTON!

Friday, August 10, 2018

A Girl Has To Have Transportation

I was feeling a little bit guilty so I went ahead and did the broom!  Needs more trimming.  I think I'll ponder on that a bit.  😊

How To Do Three Projects At Once

First,  this is what it looks like.  

"Ponder" in the back.  Then "almost finished vacation project" in the middle and what's that up front?  My newest from Ruth. 

No it's not a mystery project.  It starts with a coupon.  Then,  I went to the sale page and before you could blink I had ordered the kitty, threads and stitch guide.  All while completely blowing through my coupon.  Beware coupons when you don't really need anything!

These are the buttons that go in the corners.  LOVE THEM!

Here's the big picture

And the vacation project - I'm taking out the tulips in the right front grass and re-doing them from lazy daisy to straight stitch.  They look too big and bushy to me.

Now I am totally re-energized for the weekend!

Happy Friday 😊

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Stitching While Pondering

I have to admit that I'm somewhat tired after last night's "hair" marathon.  So tonight I decided to do "simple" while pondering the elephant on the desk and where I should go from here.

This is my Valentines House that I took on vacation in May.  I always seem to come home from vacation with my needlepoint not quite done.  This grass is so easy it's almost like cheating.  I like the beads on the roof line.

And here's the elephant on the desk.  I'm just not sure which section to tackle next.  So I ponder.  But one must stitch while one ponders 😄  I'm liking that hair on witch #2 more and more!

Where I Go Off the Amy Reservation

Today I decided to go "back in time" to lesson 1 and put in some grass along the path.  I have resisted doing this because it involves random stitching, but if I am ever going to finish this, the grass has to be done.  There's a lot more to do...but it's started.  Seems like there is grass EVERYWHERE. There's green grass, yellow grass and more green grass...

Then, there was witch #2 with twisted lazy daisy hair.  I have worried about this since I got the stitch guide in 2015.  Tonight I gave it the old college try - 2 hours of it - and decided that I was officially going OFF the stitch guide.  If this looks a lot like witch #4 well I'm going to have to deal with it.  My hair looks tons better this way.  As you can see I started out with french knots and went rogue.  Hey it's better than tent stitch which I guess I didn't need to do.

I'm getting down to the painful part of this project so I have no idea what I'll attempt to do next 😆

Wish me luck!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Sunday Progress Report

Hi there,

Those squiggles are "bead bridges" on the black cape.  No kidding - everything about this piece is over the top.

After that,  I went on to finish the jack o lanterns.  She is holding the 6th one and since I have completed the hill, I did the little pumpkins too.

And her hand - there was a brief panic when I couldn't find the cream thread.  I had to double check that I put in 5 fingers.

I then managed to cut the one pom pom I had in half correctly! (As in straight across rather than crooked)  I decided I had ONE shot at the bullion since I'm not sure I would have been able to take it out from the pompom to re-do it without messing it up. And who knows where I would get another one of those?  So the little cat pull toy is done.

This week I am going to do her hair and her hat and move on to the sections that I skipped.  Which are probably the worst and hardest ones!  I do see a light at the end of this tunnel!!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Week of the Black Cat

Hi there,

This is what I finished last night.  I just HAD to put the buttons on the cart!  Next up is the striped blanket with the pumpkin on top and the highlights on his fur.

Happy Wednesday!