Thursday, April 24, 2014

I Broke Down...You knew I would

Hi there,

I'm taking a break from looking at every outfit Duchess Kate wears in Australia, to post!  I had the best of intentions...really I did, but spending every evening doing background and borders on the stitching girls was getting a little slow.

Just in time the ladies arrived!

Here's the bottom of her dress

I briefly flirted with finishing the background of the Candyland Trees, but came to my senses, plus the snow is hard to do because the thread keeps shredding.

I AM making progress on the firecrackers though.  Here's a before and after shot.

Before Beads

After Beads

Two to go!

Happy Stitching,



  1. Wow, you are practically done with Candyland! Hang in there, you are SO close! Ada

  2. Wow, you are practically done with Candyland! Hang in there, you are SO close! Ada
